
The Busselton Kart Club Membership information

If you would like to join the Busselton Kart Club, please complete the BKC Membership Form and sign the Code of Conduct. This must be done and accepted by the committee before applying for an AIDKA license. 

Completed forms can be emailed to New member applications need to be nominated by a current financial BCK member and will also need to be accepted by the BKC Committee. 

Once you have been notified of your membership approval you can then complete the online AIDKA License Application, selecting Busselton Kart Club as the club you have joined. 

The BKC licensing secretary will advise you when your license has been approved and you can then arrange a race number and collection of your log book. Please allow 7-14 days for new licenses to be approved.

BKC Memberships

For all membership and licensing enquires please email Jaye Baker at

License Application

To apply for an AIDKA license you must first be a member of a club. Please read above.

Code of conduct


  • Participate in accordance and within the club and AIDKA rules and participate for your own enjoyment and benefit.
  • Competitors are responsible for their own conduct as well as the conduct of any persons associated with them, such as pit crew, kart owners and sponsors.
  • Never argue with an official. Most officials have volunteered their services for the safe, smooth, efficient and fair conduct of race meetings. If you have a complaint there are appropriate procedures in place.
  • Control your temper. Verbal abuse, sledging, deliberately distracting or provoking another participant are not acceptable or permitted behaviours.
  • Value all participants in your sport, treat them as you like to be treated. Do not bully or take unfair advantage of another participant.
  • Respect the rights, dignity and worth of all participants regardless of their gender, ability, cultural background or religion.
  • No smoking or vaping, including e-cigarette devices, in pit area or track arena unless in a designated smoking area.
  • No consumption of Alcohol in the pit area or track arena.


  • The Executive Committee must approve in writing the use of the track facilities and equipment for any practice or race meeting.
  • Driver is responsible for kart owner and crew at all times at race meeting. Driver must ensure that all pit crew are wearing an armband, appropriate clothing and footwear.


  • Kart scrutineering will be conducted in the area nominated by the club.


  • Driver and crew working on karts are to do so within the designated pit area, in a safe manner and using safe methods at all times.


  • Bring kart to dummy grid when called at a safe pace.
  • Driver to be ready to race with helmets and other safety equipment when called.


  • Driver to leave the racetrack at a safe speed.
  • Any disputes or protests must be managed in accordance with the club or AIDKA judicial procedures.


  • “AIDKA & BKC encourage participation in online social media in a positive manner. The accessible nature of the internet, however, can lend itself to the posting of threatening and derogatory material in the heat of the moment. Once your thoughts and comments are published to the internet, they are visible to the world – and they are permanent. AIDKA takes all cases of cyber bullying seriously and will treat online matters as it would ‘real world’ Bullying: Breaching the code of conduct or bringing the sport into disrepute online can
    lead to serious consequences, including tribunals, suspensions and the cancellation of the offenders AIDKA Licence”.
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